Fire Up Your Mental Health!


Low energy, quiet quitting, burnout... It seems everyone is struggling these days. How can we regain our enthusiasm, recapture our joy, and get the pep back in our step at work and at home? Many people assume mental health is a topic of interest only for those who struggle with anxiety, depression, or mental illness. But your energy levels, your mood, your ability to think clearly and pursue goals – these are all a reflection of your mental health. In this upbeat and inspiring presentation, Anthony McLean offers actionable tools to optimize energy levels, stimulate creative thinking, and approach every day with enthusiasm and joy.

Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the difference between everyday ups and downs, temporary mental health problems, and mental illnesses.
- Learn healthy coping skills to deal with stress and anxiety
- See the role exercise, sleep, hydration, and nutrition play in overall wellness
- Adopt a supportive mental health routine